Hey there! This blog has quite the variety of topics. I’m sharing my journey to mastering a “modern” terminal setup and never losing at Tic-Tac-Toe. I’m delving into documentation frameworks, the impact of libraries, and the fight for your attention in the digital age. There’s a sprinkle of AI tales, room dynamics, and my preference for Sublime Text. Plus, some curated feeds for self-directed learning! Dive in!
- What’s involved in getting a “modern” terminal setup?:
- Never lose a Tic-Tac-Toe game again in life: Remember playing Tic Tac Toe as a kid? Trying to figure out perfect spot for your next move to outsmart your opponent. Well, then, get ready to become unbeatable at this classic game. Because I am…
- The Seven-Action Documentation model: I think all technical writers, at some point or another, feel the urge to base their work on something more systematic than “it’s just the way folks documented stuff since forever”. Toolkits and frameworks provide content types, which is immensely valuable when you know what you want to write, but starting from there is like buying a hammer without knowing that half of the work you’ll do is turning screws. As I find the lack of deeper conversation around this topic rather unsettling, I decided to contribute some verses.
- Curated RSS Feeds and Newsletters for Diverse Self-Directed Learning: Explore a diverse list of RSS feeds and newsletters that fuel my self-directed learning journey. Curated to inspire, inform, and sometimes share.
- The Art of Calling Out Room Dynamics: Discover how naming what’s happening in the room can defuse tense meetings, improve team dynamics, and elevate your leadership skills. Learn practical tips from an experienced tech leader on using this powerful communication technique to transform difficult conversations and drive better outcomes.
- Here’s What the Fight For Your Attention Really Looks Like: One of the largest problems personified by the internet is shifting joy into competition. How does the dissolution of the line between personal and professional time impact our willingness to connect outside of our phones?
- My Afternoon Project Turned Into Four Days of AI Lies, USB Chaos, and Hard Lessons: A quick project spiraled into a marathon of AI missteps, hardware headaches, and hard-earned lessons. Welcome to the story of Deskthang.
- Seven things I know after 25 years of development:
- It’s official: Research has found that libraries make everything better.: Science has backed up what many of us have long been saying: the library rocks. A study from the New York Public Library surveyed 1,974 users on how the library makes them feel and how it affects t…
- Why I still like Sublime Text in 2025: I still use Sublime Text in 2025 even after trying a lot of other editors